Home Butt-shaping shorts

Butt-shaping shorts

Sale price €48,00
Color: Body color
Size: S

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Butt-shaping shorts

Butt-shaping shorts

- Shaping shorts will perfectly shape your body silhouette: gently press the tummy, beautifully shape the buttocks, and shape the hips and thighs;

- The side of the shorts is designed so that the buttocks are raised, not flattened;

- Made of extremely soft, gentle and breathable DuraFit compression fabric;

- The lower part of the shorts is made of very dense and strong PowerSlim fabric, which will keep the lower part of the body in place, and the edges of the shorts are treated with "Non-ride" technology and will not ride up;

- Seamless, so they will be invisible even under the thinnest fabric;

- The back of the shorts has special seams that will shape the buttocks very nicely, not flatten them, and visually lift them;

- Fabric composition: 61% polyamide, 38% elastane, 1% silicone. Inner lining: 61% polyamide, 39% elastane.

Size Hips cm. Waist cm.
XS 81-88 63-69
S 88-95 69-75
M 95-102 75-80
L 102-108 80-86
XL 108-116 86-93
2XL 116-124 93-100
3XL 124-132 100-107

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Danguole Cibulskiene
Labai patiko

Gerai tinka, pilvuką prispaudžia, patogūs. Rekomenduoju.


Įprastai nešioju L arba 42 dydį, tačiau manau, kad reikėjo imti išmiera mažesnius. Šortukai nesutempia kaip tikėjausi.

Aušra Banienė

kaip antra oda! labai patogūs nenoriu net kitų apatinių! pilvuką idealiai paslepia

Geras audinys

Tikrai lieknina, pagaliau nusipirkau ne "skysto", o tvirto audinio sortus, nes dazniausiai nei ten ką paspaudžia, nei ką.Tikrai gera kokybe.

Ingrida Marganavičienė
Labai geri

Labai geri ir maloniai priglundantys šortukai. Niekur per daug nespaudžia, o svarbiausia - neįsirėžia į juosmenį. Labai maloni medžiaga, bet karštai vasarai reikėtų ko nors plonesnio.